Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Last Sunday night I listened to the last few minutes of WCBS 880.   It was one of two all news format radio stations in New York City.  It shut down forever at midnight to be replaced by WHSQ an ESPN sports format station which began broadcasting on the AM 880 frequency one minute later at 12:01.

I was a bit sorry to see it go as I had been listening to it since I moved to this area in 1983.  First in Ossining NY and then in Princeton NJ.  I preferred it to 1010 WINS the other NYC all news format station.  I thought the connection with CBS improved the national and international news coverage.  Also I listened some to Yankees games during the years they were broadcast on WCBS (in a bit of an exception to the all news format).  Mostly while driving but sometimes at home as well.

In recent years WCBS and WINS were owned by the same company and I expect they concluded  that two all news format radio stations was at least one more than NYC really needed.  I suppose I will get use to 1010 WINS soon enough but still this was an unwelcome reminder that nothing lasts forever.